Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Michael Ryan's Unfounded Accusation that Liberals Weaken America

Re: "Does the Left Want a Weakened America," from the October 6th Editorial Page of the Augusta Chronicle.

The very first sentence of Mr. Ryan's unsigned editorial is a rather obvious lie I've debunked on a previous entry on this blog. The claim that President Obama was indoctrinating children received the full ridicule of Jon Stewart and deservedly so. The Obama administration was not behind this spontaneous gesture of support. School children sang the praises of President Bush too, and conservatives didn't cry "indoctrination." Conservatives look silly telling this lie, and as we all know, telling the same lie over and over again doesn't convert it to truth.

A second lie in this editorial is Mr. Ryan's claim that President Obama's health care proposal is more unpopular the more he talks about it. It's not Obama's proposal--the bills and resolutions considered originated in the halls of Congress. Perhaps Mr. Ryan needs a refresher course in constitutional law.

Then, Mr. Ryan quotes some unfair criticism coming from George Will who ticks off a list of foreign policy goals that President Obama has failed to accomplish. But these are the same issues that previous presidents, republican and democrat, have failed to solve or in the case of Bush even address.

Finally, Mr. Ryan writes that Obama "springs from a wing of the democratic party that's ashamed of America and its power." What unfounded nonsense. Mr. Ryan doesn't cite a single fact to support this blanket statement.


On today's editorial page Lee Benedict regales us with another incoherent, rambling letter. This one was about an argument he had with a protestor at Joe Wilson's rally. It's apparent from his version of the debate that Mr. Benedict doesn't understand historical change. Yes, at one time there was a wing of the democratic party that opposed civil rights. They were conservative democrats who have since evolved into conservative republicans. All the racists who used to vote for this wing of the democratic party (the southerners), now vote republican.


Star Parker's column was another example of her hypocrisy. She's against planned parenthood, yet in other columns she's demonstrated her opposition to welfare. In her world women should be forced to bear unwanted children, but after they're born the children can all starve as far as she's concerned because she's against the government programs that would feed them. She only cares about children when they're microscopic specks of goo in the uterus. After they're born, well, they can "die quickly," so to speak.

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