Monday, March 29, 2010

Michael Ryan Condemns, Then Understands Violent Threats Against Democrats

Re: "Violence is not the solution," from the March 28th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

From the title one would expect a vigorous criticism of the recent violent threats against the democrats coming in the wake of the Health Care Reform Act becoming law.

But no, Mr. Ryan states that he understands the anger behind these violent threats. Then he goes on to criticize the democrats for using this sore loser mentality to score political points.

So he's writing that all this anger is understandable and it's the democrats own fault.

Why is Mr. Ryan such a shmuck?

Michael Ryan Condemns, Then Understands Violent

Friday, March 26, 2010

Michael Ryan Doesn't Understand the Concept That Having Free Speech Has Consequences

Re: "Muzzling the First Amendment," from the March 26th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

As usual, Mr. Ryan writes total nonsense. No one is muzzling free speech. Idiots, such as Ann Coulter, have the right to say any stupid thing they want to say. However, if they say something outrageous, than they will have to face the consequences, and that's what happened in Canada.

What if someone wrote a letter to the Augusta Chronicle editorial page, claiming that Mr. Ryan's mother was a whore? I'm sure he would decline to publish it.

What would he think of claims that his refusal to publish this letter was "muzzling free speech"?

Hell, he even refuses to publish my letters when they merely point out his habit of plagiarism. I guess he is muzzling my free speech as well.

Justice John Roberts is not simply a conservative. He's a pro-corporate fascist, and no self respecting university would allow him to speak.

Note that in this column, Mr. Ryan made no mention of the brick throwing incidents into democatic political headquarters across the nation, nor did he mention Sarah Palin's face book page where she showed a map with democratic headquarters targetted by rifle sights. Clearly, these are cases of free speech intimidation, but because they happened to liberals, they aren't noteworthy 0f mention.

Re: "In control--and out of control," from the March 23rd edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

Maybe Mr. Ryan should change the name of the opinion page to the "liar's digest."

What a pack of lies this column was.

First, he claims that "democrats voted to turn America into a European-style socialistic society" (as if that were a bad thing) "with unprecedented and likely unconstitutional federal power over both states and individuals."

Private health insurance companies remain in business, falsifying the claim that the dems voted in favor of socialized medicine. According to the front page of this edition of his own newspaper, most law experts on the right, the left, and in the middle say that the Health Care Reform Law is clearly not unconstitutional, thus falsifying the second part of this statement as well.

Second, he claims that this is "one of the biggest job-killing bills in the country's history..." This is total bullshit. He thinks "regulations should be lessened to spur an economic recovery." Lessened regulations are one of the causes of the severe recession we're living in. He provides no evidence that this will cause unemployment. This claim is a ridiculous lie.

Third, he claims that "Socialism has never worked for long as an economic model." Some of those socialist countries such as Sweden, Switzerland, France, Germany and Canada seem to have done quite well economically. It works here pretty well too. In fact further on in this editorial he opposes cuts in medicare. Medicare is a socialist program.

Fourth, he claims the law trashes the tenth amendment and states rights. This debate was solved during the Civil War--the federal government trumps the state governments. The U.S. is one nation, not fifty nations. Moreover, Article 1 section 8 of the constitution, aka the Commerce clause, clearly gives the federal government the right to do most of what's in the new law.

Fifth, he whines about Medicare cuts. Yet, conservatives have been clamoring for cuts in Medicare for years. Now, he's opposed? I think we can safely say, Mr. Ryan is a liar and a flip-flop.

Michael Ryan Doesn't Understand the Concept that

Friday, March 19, 2010

Michael Ryan's Lies of the Day

Re: "We never would have deemed this possible," from the March 19th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

In this editorial Michael Ryan tells two blazing, obvious lies.

1. He wrote that the deem and pass procedure democrats will probably use to pass the bill is "quite without precedent in the United States of America."

According to Ryan Grim of the Huffington Post, deem and pass was first used in 1933. Republicans used it in 1948 as soon as they regained power in congress. Republicans used it 36 times between 2005 and 2006. Democrats used it 49 times between 2007 and 2008. Obviously, it's not unprecedented. It is an act of political cowardice. Congressmen are avoiding attack ads that criticize them for voting for such and such unpopular bills.

2. Mr. Ryan also wrote that this is an "unprecedented power grab by the federal government."

Article 1 section 8 clearly allows for most of what's in the health care reform bill. It states "The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, excises; to pay debt, and provide for the common defence and general welfare, but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the U.S."

I think this allows for everything except some of the special deals like the Cornhusker exemption. That would clearly be ruled unconstitutional by a court, but this is a moot point because reconciliation will eliminate it anyway.

Mr. Ryan writes that people are going to protest in the streets over this. I doubt many Americans are going to protest in outrage over Congressional procedure. Mr. Ryan claims that voters will take this outrage to the voting polls. I also doubt that many Americans are going to base their vote on the health care reform debate. Much more important will be how the economy is doing. If the economy improves, democrats may not lose as much as Mr. Ryan hopes. In any case the state of the economy and jobs will be much more important to voters.

Mr. Ryan claims the health care reform will lessen choice. This is the opposite of what will happen for the uninsured, most of whom will finally have a choice.


Re: "Barrow must stay true blue," from the same edition of the Augusta Chronicle.

I see this as the plutocrat, fascist Billy Morris, using his newspapers to put pressure on John Barrow to vote against reform that will help poor people.

This seems unnecessary to me...John Barrow has made it clear that he will vote against it. John Barrow is a democrat in name only. In my opinion he's the equivalent of a whacko right wing republican, aka a sorry sack of shit.

I live in his district, and I could care less who wins his seat. There's absolutely no difference between him and any republican who runs. I always write in a vote for Magnus Robot Fighter.


Re: "Will Blue Dogs hunt for President Obama?" by Doyle McManus from this same editorial page.

I found this part interesting. A conservative democrat congressman from Pennsylvania was speaking to Tea Party jerks. He said, "Shouldn't the government help low income people afford basic health insurance?" They shouted a resounding, "No!"

This clearly illustrates what kind of people Tea Party creeps are. They are heartless pieces of trash who think that when poor people get sick they should drop dead.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

They finally printed one of my letters again

After rejecting three of my letters, the Chronicle finally published one today. I didn't think they would, but I guess since I made no mention or hint of a plagiarism accusation, it slipped by.

I checked out the reader comments about my letter.

Not much in the way of intellectual banter there worth commenting on. Two guys got into a side argument about who voted in favor of Civil Rights in the 1960's. The conservative bashed democrats which was kind of disingenous because in the 1960's Southern democrats were conservative racists. The parties have changed over time, so that now the Republican party has opened their tent to racists.

A person calling herself Little Lamb told me to lighten was a joke. Thus, she missed one of the main points of my letter. I was telling Mr. Ryan to lighten up by equating Bill Maher's tasteless but funny joke with Glenn Beck's tasteless but not funny joke.

Glenn Beck deserved the shot as I noted in last week's blog.


Re: "God help the republic," also from today's Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

Mr. Ryan is whining about tricks the dems are trying to pull to get this health care thing passed. Differing versions of the bill have already passed by straight up and down votes.

This new tact the democrats might use though is a little odd. They might deem that the Senate bill already passed in the House. Admittedly, this new tact flunks the language test.

I just don't see this as being a big grab of executive power as this editorial claims. Mr. Ryan's opposition to expanded executive power flies in the face of his usual standards. He usually favors a strong president. If this was a republican, he would be in favor of this tactic big time. But it's Obama so "God help the republic."

The President isn't forcing Congress to do anything it doesn't have the power to do.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Michael Ryan Demonstrates his Lack of a Sense of Humor

Re: "The Left's pro-pollution stance," from the March 11th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

It's hard for me to believe the sanctimonious crap from this editorial. It's yet another unfounded whine about how leftist pundit rhetoric is somehow uglier than that spewed from the right. Within this editorial Mr. Ryan defends two of the dirtiest right wing pundits around--Glenn Beck and Matt Drudge, two sources that he regularly plagiarizes.

First, let's examine his criticism of something Sean Penn said. Mr. Penn has donated enormous amounts of his time and money helping out earthquake victims in Haiti. Some critics have suggested that he's doing this merely to make himself look good. His reply--he hopes they die of rectal cancer. Mr. Ryan took this quote out of context to unfairly knock Mr. Penn. In his editorial Mr. Ryan does not say why Mr. Penn said this. To just take this quote in mid-air and repeat it does make Mr. Penn look bad, but if one is aware of why he said it, it's more understandable. Moreover, it's obviously an over-the-top joke. I'm sure Mr. Penn doesn't wish rectal cancer on anyone, just because of their political beliefs.

Mr. Ryan may be stupid, but I doubt he's so stupid he can't understand the humor of exaggeration.

I would also like to point out that Mr. Penn is correct, and the U.S. mainstream media is wrong about Hugo Chavez. Chavez is not a dictator--he's been democratically elected several times.

Next, Mr. Ryan criticizes Bill Maher because Mr. Maher cracked this joke in his monologue referring to the Pentagon shooter--"When we see crazy, senseless deaths like this, we can only ask why, why, why couldn't it have been Glenn Beck?"

The joke was in his MONOLOGUE. It wasn't an editorial piece meant to be taken seriously. Nevertheless, Mr. Ryan writes sarcastically, "He's right comrades! Death to all who espouse traditional American values."

Oh yeah, and what are some of Mr. Beck's American values. Here's one: Within the last two months Mr. Beck suggested that he would like to slip poison into Nancy Pelosi's drink.

I'd like to ask Mr. Ryan one question about this editorial. Does he honestly think poisoning the speaker of the house is a traditional American value?

What Mr. Maher said was a joke--a well deserved shot at Glenn Beck.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Health care = Ice Cream? Charles Krauthammer is an idiot

Re: "Onward, he said, regardless," by Charles Krauthammer, published on Michael Ryans's editorial page in the Augusta Chronicle on March 7th.

Using a ridiculous analogy, Charles Krauthammer compared the health care reform plan to the federal government giving out free ice cream.

He admits that, sure people would be in favor of free ice cream, but they would be against it, if the government regulated the delivery of ice cream with over 100 new boards and commissions.

Health care is a very complex issue. To frivolously compare it to a government giveaway of free ice cream is just stupid. I'd like to see him try to explain this analogy, in person, to a sick individual in the process of dying because they can't afford adequate medical care. Mr. Krauthammer ought to be ashamed of himself.

Furthermore, he repeated the conservative talking point of how Obama is "ramming" this down people's throats. Health care reform already passed by majority vote in the House and supermajority vote in the Senate. That's democracy, not forcing something down the people's throats.

Another tired talking point is that health care is 1/6th of the economy. It's a number I'm sick of hearing about. So what? The government already regulates 100% of the economy. Who cares if they add more regulations to 15% of it.


I mostly agree with Mr. Ryan's lead editorial from March 7th--"Washington in Wonderland, as 'doomsday cycle' looms. However, as I've noted before, Mr. Ryan has no credibility on this issue because he's suggested an income tax moratorium. He's not serious about the deficit, if he thinks a zero income tax period is a good idea.


Re: "Rangeling with corruption," from the March 8th edition of the Augusta Chronicle.

Mr. Ryan is quite hypocritical in this editorial which is mostly a whine about how the liberal media fails to point out often enough that Charles Rangel and other democratic crooks are democrats.

Mr. Ryan rightly points out that Charles Rangel is a crook for taking a free vacation at corporate expense to the Carribean. However, John McCain took a free vacation to Hawaii on the dime of the crooked savings and loan businesses circa 1990.

Mr. Ryan endorsed John McCain for president in 2008. He's got no grounds to criticize Charles Rangel now.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Rick Mckee's Cartoon is a Lie...Again

Rick McKee's cartoon today (March 6th) shows a donkey, the symbol of the democratic party, saying that democrats used to call reconciliation the "nuclear option."

This is entirely false. Democrats never referred to the reconciliation process as the "nuclear option." The "nuclear option" is a term originating when republicans had the majority and they were considering doing away with the filibuster.

Using reconciliation (a process the republicans have used more than the democrats) is not the same as eliminating the filibuster. Reconciliation can only be used on budget-related items. No one has ever called it the nuclear option, until maybe now when conservative pundits on Fox News make ridiculous exaggerations about it. And it's not a parliamentary trick. It's simply a majority vote.

BTW, they should get rid of the antiquated filibuster rule. The filibuster is one of the roadblocks stopping the Senate from getting anything done.


About two weeks ago, the Chronicle ran a news analysis in which the writer basically called Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver a pussy. A few days later, Michael Ryan regurgitated this opinion in his unsigned daily column.

I'm not particularly interested in local politics, but I found this kind of interesting.

Basically, the Chronicle news reporter and the editorial page writer were upset with the mayor because he didn't stand up and get all twisted like a pretzel because of a planned gay pride march in downtown Augusta.

Mr. Ryan suggested the major should meet with organizers of the gay pride event and convince them to have the march somewhere else because the march supposedly will hurt businesses.

What a bunch of bologna! One day's march isn't going to hurt businesses. No one's going to avoid going downtown because of a gay pride march that they may or may not have heard about. Don't gay people have money? I'm sure their dollars are just as good as straight people's money, and I'm sure they'll spend just as much as heterosexual customers.

In truth downtown Augusta has got nothing worthwhile in the first place besides a few old titty bars. The lack of good parking, a fact of everyday life for downtown businesses, hurts these establishments far more than a one day gay pride march.