Friday, October 16, 2009

Michael Ryan Whines again about Leftist Pundits Giving Tit for Tat

Re: "Attacking with Acid," from the Augusta Chronicle editorial page of October 16th.

Just 12 days ago, in an unsigned column I commented on here, Mr. Ryan was complaining that the left was guilty of name-calling. The left is only guilty of giving the right some of its own medicine, and apparently, this causes Mr. Ryan to whine regularly about it, because here again is another column crying about how vicious left wing pundits are. Mr. Ryan must be running out of ideas, if he so frequently returns to this subject.

Today, Mr. Ryan took issue with Keith Olbermann when he made Michelle Malkin one of his "Worst Persons in the World." He called Ms. Malkin a "mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk, fascisitic, without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed up bag of meat with lip-stick on it."

Of course, Mr. Ryan completely leaves out the reason why Mr. Olbermann attacked her. Ms. Malkin falsely accused Ms. Carney-Nunez of writing and directing the "Obama Song," that elementary school children sang in New Jersey. You know, the one that's got conservatives so hot under the collar about indoctrination, that they're sending protestors to the school to frighten the children. It turns out Ms. Carney-Nunez had nothing to do with the song, but as a result of Ms. Malkin's false accusation, she's received death threats and hundreds of pieces of hate mail.

Taken in context, Mr. Olbermann's criticism of Ms. Malkin is justifiable. Mr. Ryan's a Christian who has attended his fair share of Sunday school classes. I'm sure he's aware of the evils of bearing false witness.

Mr. Ryan then blames liberals for derailing Rush Limbaugh's bid to become part owner of the Rams. This is entirely false. It's the conservative owners of the other NFL teams who didn't want to have such a polarizing individual causing controversy for their milk-toast product.


Oh and Mr. Ryan just happened to run Ms. Malkin's column today--"Who's Behind the White House War on Fox News? Corruptocrats."

Once again, her column is full of outright falsehoods. She claims Fox is the one news outlet not in President Obama's pocket. To support this ridiculous, unfounded argument, she cites the example of CNN fact-checking a Saturday Night Live skit that was critical of the President. She obviously didn't watch the segment--her source must have been some other conservative pundit. I did watch that segment. CNN sided with the Saturday Night Live skit, not President Obama.

Furthermore, she claims the "press gurus" keep Obama from looking thuggish. Thuggish? There's nothing thuggish at all about the Obama administration, except for maybe in her own paranoid dreams that she shares with the Glenn Becks of the world.

Her case that the Obama administration is full of corruptocrats because a few worked on a failed re-election bid for ex-Senator Daschle is also weak and generally unfounded.

She finishes off with another false claim--that "conservatives are reveling in the left's hysteria over Fox News Channel's dominance." Fox News hardly dominates the media. Compared to the combined ratings of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC, its ratings are minuscule. And its demographic is pretty much limited to old, white conservatives.

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