Saturday, October 3, 2009

Michael Ryan is Right About Roman Polanski

I almost never agree with Michael Ryan about anything, but he is right about Roman Polanski. The list of Hollywood artists supporting this child rapist should be ashamed of themselves.

Mr. Polanski drugged a 13 year old girl and forced her to have sex with him.

He ended up serving only a little more than a month in jail, then he left the country after a judge was about to renege on a plea bargain deal.

Hollywood stars claim that he's served his time and all should be forgiven.

No, he hasn't served his time, and the constitution forbids the punishment he does deserve--castration.

Whoopi Goldberg made the outrageous claim that it wasn't rape-rape, as if the thirteen year old girl in question was a willing participant which she was not. Let me repeat:

Mr. Polanski drugged and forced a 13 year old girl to have sex with him. That without a doubt is rape-rape.

One of the people signing a petition supporting Polanski is Woody Allen. Woody Allen married his own daughter. No one really knows for sure but it's probable he's brainwashed her and took advantage of her before she came of age. Technically, what he did to his daughter isn't incest because she was adopted, but he was supposed to be a father figure, not a husband.

Woody Allen is a freak, just like Roman Polanski. They are great film-makers, but that will never excuse their actions. I would never let freakos like this inside my household.


Because this isn't a negative entry, I might as well praise Mr. Ryan for running Eugene Robinson's column. I know many arch-conservative readers of the Chronicle are irate over this, but at least one liberal pundit occasionally gets published on his editorial page.

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