Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rick McKee's Cartoon about Letterman is Libelous

There is no evidence that David Letterman threatened to fire or promote any women based on sexual favors. There is no evidence that this is a case of classic work place sexual harrassment.
Mr. Letterman is a celebrity. It's more likely that these women were like groupies attempting to seduce him all the time, so they could get a part in his show or become his wife--a lucrative situation. Rick Mckee's cartoon is just libelous.


Mr. Ryan felt it necessary to weigh in on the bad excessive celebration call against the Georgia Bulldogs in last week's game. He doesn't mention, however, that the rule itself is racist.

The rule was Vince Dooley's idea. The rule was put in place exactly the same time that African-American athletes began to dominate college football. Southern white men just could not stand to see African-Americans enjoying their excellence on the field.

The rule is also completely subjective and should be eliminated.


Gil Ward is a regular contributor to the Augusta Chronicle editorial page. Today, he wrote this preposterous line--"There is a no reason for a normal healthy person to be poor in America unless they want to be--or unless their leaders and the government want them to be."

What world does this guy live in? First of all, most unemployed people are not lazy or crazy. At times, especially now during a recession, it can be tough to find a job. Moreover, many jobs pay meager salaries. So even if a person works two jobs, they can still be poor. To suggest that the government wants people to be poor is absurd, though conservatives do push policies that keep wages low.

I'm sure Mr. Ward meant to blame democrats and the "cycle of welfare" myth. He doesn't realize that, if any group keeps people poor, it's conservative republicans who are always against minimum wage increases.

The existence of poor people proves the free market doesn't work. I think that's why conservatives hate poor people. Their existence proves they're wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Here is my commentary on The Augusta Chronicle editorial titled "The Bottom Line" published on October 8, 2009:
