First, he's using an anti-semitic caricature. The bad guy looks like an Arab (or Jew) with the exaggerated semitic nose and a long beard required by some muslim fundamentalists. Rick Mckee is equating semitic Arabs with terrorism. I attached the photos of actual alleged terrorists recently foiled and arrested by law enforcement. Note, they look nothing like McKee's anti-semitic caricature. One is even blonde and blue-eyed and looks Anglo-Saxon.
Second, Mr. McKee makes the terrorist look so menacing, yet the actual terrorists look like the guys next door. It's misleading to make terroists look like menacing monsters. The most reprehensible crimes in history have been committed by rather ordinary-looking people. Nazis in charge of the holocaust, and those guilty of the Rwandan genocide looked just like normal people.
Third, the captioned dialogue is a complete lie. The Obama administration hasn't "outlawed the use of the phrase--war on terror." They simply chose not to use the propaganda-laden words.
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