Friday, April 30, 2010

Michael Ryan Admits Tea Baggers are Gullible/Stupid

Re: "Truth just isn't in the cards," from the April 30th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

Mary Schorsch very cleverly was handing out red, white, and blue cards at Augusta's latest tea party asking the tea baggers to fill out a form saying they want to discontinue their Social Security, Medicare, etc. because they were socialist programs.

One of the reasons Mr. Ryan takes issue with this is because the cards are in a patriotic color. As if only conservatives are allowed to use patriotic colors.

Mr. Ryan felt it necessary to warn Tea Baggers not to fill out the card. This is an inadvertent admission that Tea Baggers are gullible and stupid.


Below the above mentioned mess, we have another column from Michelle Malkin, another reliable shithead.

She claims that the Mexican government bars foreigners if the "equilibrium of national demographics" is upset.

This is nonsense. The Mexican government happily welcomes any rich white people from the U.S. who want to retire there and spend money.

I can't believe any newspaper prints her ridiculous columns.


Mr. Ryan won a homeboy award issued by the Augusta Rotary Club. Something named after some Augusta Chronicle editorialist who probably wrote anti-desegragation columns for 30 years.

I didn't know plagiarism wins awards.

On this blog I've documented 4 cases of Mr. Ryan's plagiarism.

See: 1. The Drudge Report
2. An anonymous chain email.
3. Kathryn Lopez of the National Review
4. Glenn Beck

Mr. Ryan is now an award winning plagiarist.

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