Monday, February 8, 2010

Michael Ryan Tells a Big Fat Lie

Re: "Not Without a Fight," from the February 8th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

Michael Ryan makes the false claim that the Obama administration wants to end secret ballots in workplace elections over whether to unionize.  

President Obama supports H.R. 1409--The Employee Free Choice Act.  This document is available as a link at

There is nothing in this act that outlaws secret ballots.  It merely makes it easier for new unions to organize by giving workers the option of forming a new union if the majority of workers sign an authorization card.

The real reason businesses don't like this proposed law is because it would prevent them from delaying the recognition of newly formed unions.  The law simply states that once a new union is formed by majority vote within an industry, the business must meet and begin negotiating with them within 10 days, and if no agreement is made within 90 days, they go to a federal mediator.

Tightwad business crooks like Billy Morris don't like unions because they might have to pay their workers a decent wage and have them work in safe environments.  I worked for the Augusta Chronicle--it was low pay and dangerous work.  I know for a fact that circulation department workers definitely need a union.

Moreover, contrary to Mr. Ryan's bogus claims, the cause of the recent recession was due to there being too many underpaid workers.  Paying workers a better wage would improve the economy.  Increasing pay has never killed jobs as the chamber of commerce falsely claims will happen.

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