Monday, April 19, 2010

Michael Ryan Characterizes Rape as a Thrill

Re: The bottom line from the April 17th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

In this untitled column Mr. Ryan compared the actions of Tiger Woods with those of Ben Roethlisberger. In a patronizing fashion he criticized both.

The two are not really comparable. What Tiger Woods did was a symptom of a character flaw; what Roethlisberger did (probably raping two women with the help of his bodyguards) is monstrous.

Mr. Ryan's biggest boner in this column was this quote: "The 28-year old (Roethlisberger) seemed destined for a Hall of Fame career before these allegation. And though they're only allegations--he's not been criminally charged in either situation--they have forever tainted his image, and he joins a long and inglorious line, right behind Tiger Woods, of big money athletes who risk everything and lose much for reckless fleeting thrills.

There you have it: Mr. Ryan considers rape a thrill.


The column above this one "It's the un-American way," is extremely hypocritical. Not long ago, Mr. Ryan was praising the angry townhall meetings about health care reform where the basic tactic of the Tea Baggers was to shout down intelligent debate.

In this column he criticizes leftist groups who heckle Tea Partiers and give them a dose of their own medicine.

I can't think of a better example of hypocrisy.


Re: "A grand delusion," from the April 18th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

Mr. Ryan keeps writing over and over about how the Tea Party is not racist. Repeating the same lie 7,888 times does not turn it into truth.

Tea baggers carry pictures of President Obama depicted as a monkey and a witch doctor. According to Mr. Ryan's own paper, one Tea bagger in Augusta last week carried a sign saying "A village in Kenya is missing an idiot." This is undoubtedly racist as is the whole birther controversy. They want to believe Obama is an African not born in the U.S., so they can deny his legitimacy.

Mr. Ryan just has no credibility about this, unless he acknowledges the Tea Party movement is based on at least some racist element.


Re: Today's bottom line.

Mr. Ryan wants to add words to the constitution. He wants to add "a particular" religion to the separation of church and state clause. He rails against judicial activism in other columns. Adding words to the constitution is without a doubt activist.

How hypocritical...yet again.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we now know why the Augusta Chronicle is not only losing minority subscribers, but why its cred is in the sewer.

    Michael Ryan once again shows his ignorance, rape apologism and sympathy for a blatantly racist group.

    I ma thinking about emailing the Big Ben editorial to Cara Kulwicki.
