Monday, March 8, 2010

Health care = Ice Cream? Charles Krauthammer is an idiot

Re: "Onward, he said, regardless," by Charles Krauthammer, published on Michael Ryans's editorial page in the Augusta Chronicle on March 7th.

Using a ridiculous analogy, Charles Krauthammer compared the health care reform plan to the federal government giving out free ice cream.

He admits that, sure people would be in favor of free ice cream, but they would be against it, if the government regulated the delivery of ice cream with over 100 new boards and commissions.

Health care is a very complex issue. To frivolously compare it to a government giveaway of free ice cream is just stupid. I'd like to see him try to explain this analogy, in person, to a sick individual in the process of dying because they can't afford adequate medical care. Mr. Krauthammer ought to be ashamed of himself.

Furthermore, he repeated the conservative talking point of how Obama is "ramming" this down people's throats. Health care reform already passed by majority vote in the House and supermajority vote in the Senate. That's democracy, not forcing something down the people's throats.

Another tired talking point is that health care is 1/6th of the economy. It's a number I'm sick of hearing about. So what? The government already regulates 100% of the economy. Who cares if they add more regulations to 15% of it.


I mostly agree with Mr. Ryan's lead editorial from March 7th--"Washington in Wonderland, as 'doomsday cycle' looms. However, as I've noted before, Mr. Ryan has no credibility on this issue because he's suggested an income tax moratorium. He's not serious about the deficit, if he thinks a zero income tax period is a good idea.


Re: "Rangeling with corruption," from the March 8th edition of the Augusta Chronicle.

Mr. Ryan is quite hypocritical in this editorial which is mostly a whine about how the liberal media fails to point out often enough that Charles Rangel and other democratic crooks are democrats.

Mr. Ryan rightly points out that Charles Rangel is a crook for taking a free vacation at corporate expense to the Carribean. However, John McCain took a free vacation to Hawaii on the dime of the crooked savings and loan businesses circa 1990.

Mr. Ryan endorsed John McCain for president in 2008. He's got no grounds to criticize Charles Rangel now.

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