Saturday, February 13, 2010

Michael Ryan 's Ridiculous Conclusion

Re: "Meet you at the food court!" from the February 12th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

One can be for or against the government's help when it comes to solving America's obesity problem, but to say the U.S. is well on the way to becoming a "police state," just because the government wants to kick junk food vending machines out of school and educate people about a healthy diet is ridiculous hyperbole.

One thing is certain--the increasing number of fat people in this country is an obvious failure of the free market.

Unhealthy processed foods are cheap and profitable; healthy foods cost more.  Poor people tend to reach for these cheap boxes of shit (I wouldn't even call most of it real food), and that's why we are facing this disastrous health crisis.

This is one time where the government does need to step in with an education program.  There are too many people who are completely ignorant of nutrition, and I don't see the free market advertising fresh fruits and vegetables on an equal billing with chips, candy, and empty calorie soft drinks.

Educating people on how to eat is not something akin to a police state.  Once more, Mr. Ryan just exposes how utterly stupid he is.


Re: "Inefficient by nature," from the February 13th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

This column is laughable.  Mr. Ryan is telling us how inefficient the government is compared to free market businesses, when he's taking a paycheck from a bankrupt company.

Does anybody else see the humor in this? 

The notion that private businesses are more efficient than the government is a total myth.

The examples Mr. Ryan uses are weak.  First he notes how most of the stimulus money intended for wind farms went to foreign countries.  So what?  If the U.S. government stimulates the world economy that still helps us because the world economy is connected to ours.  It's not the U.S. government's fault that American businesses were too incompetent to take advantage of the deal.  Clearly, the free market is to blame, if Mr. Ryan thinks there's something wrong with this.  

The problem at the local sheriff's office is  not enough money.  The city government is too cheap (or doesn't have its priorities straight) to spend enough on the upkeep of the law enforcement building.  It's got nothing to do with government inefficiency.

Contrary to Mr. Ryan's theme, throwing money at problems generally does fix them eventually.  There's no evidence that private industry is more efficient than the government.


Re: "For Tea Party participants, it's simply the 'American Cause.'" by Bonnie Alba from the same edition.

This idiot nut compared President Obama with Adolf Hitler.  Mr. Ryan's a stupid ass for letting this guest column appear on his editorial page.

Anyone who compares our democratically elected president with a dictator responsible for the deaths of millions just has no credibility whatsoever and should not be published in any respectable medium.

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