Monday, January 4, 2010

More Hysteria from Michael Ryan

Re: "Killing us with Kindness," from the December 28th edition of the Augusta Chronicle editorial page.

Michael Ryan hysterically assails the health care bill yet again with some ridiculous hyperbole. He claims the government is "immorally using our descendents' money," to kill us with kindness. This is just perverse. I think one can make the case that the government is immorally using our descendents' money, but it's not by providing universal health care. It's by wasting money on two immoral, unnecessary occupations of third world countries.

Mr. Ryan makes the wild unsupported claim that "leftists ...have utter disdain for this country's freedoms." Here, he gives no examples. I've got news for Mr. Ryan. Just because people disagree with his political opinions doesn't mean they have disdain for freedom. What a jerk!

Then he writes dependency on the government is the equivalent of "an addiction to crack cocaine." I suspect there is a little racist reference in this metaphor. Nevertheless, dependency on the government isn't like a drug addiction. Mr. Ryan depends on the U.S. armed forces for protection. He depends on the police, and firemen to keep him safe. Does that make him the equivalent of a crack addict. What an idiot!

And as in a previous blog entry, he's inventing stuff in the constitution that's not there. He writes the government is out of control and refers the reader to Article V without an explanation. Article V is merely the process by which new amendments are added to the constitution. I see no support for his argument here. You would think he would bother to explain himself instead of blindly hiding behind the flag, the Declaration of Independence, and an Article of the constitution. This is a frequent tactic of conservatives when they have no real point to make. They must think the majority of readers don't know what's in it.

His final two paragraphs are just a mystery to me. He claims that we're about to lose our liberty without explaining how or why. Then he writes, "What is so sad is that this great country could find ways to make health insurance more affordable and available without turning the entire system...on its head." He doesn't say how either, nor does he ever give support to his argument that the health care reform plan is going to cause "irreparable injury to the U.S. constitution."

Sounds like sour grapes to me. All of these conservative governors threatening to take legal action against the health care reform plan are a bunch of sore losers. When conservatives had control of the White House and Congress they did nothing, they had no solutions. Now that the democrats have passed something, they want to take their ball and go home.

If what they claimed democrats did to get the bill passed was unconstitutional, than none of the bills that ever get passed are constitutional.


Racist letter of the week award goes to Donald Davis in the January 2nd edition of the Augusta Chronicle. He actually wrote that the U.S. does poorly in health care statistics compared to other countries because we have too many black people and Mexicans whose health care problems are their own fault. He wrote "Fortunately, or unfortunately, our diversity includes racial and ethnic groups prone to abuse their own health..." So in other words, he saying brown-skinned people deserve to suffer because they can't afford good health care.

I wish I could meet this jerk in person and tell them how stupid he is. Mr. Ryan shouldn't allow such embarrassing racist letters on his page, but he wouldn't recognize racism because he is a racist as well.

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