Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This blog is a critical review of the Augusta Chronicle Editorial Page

The Augusta Chronicle newspaper in Augusta, Georgia has banned me from their message boards and will not publish my letters critical of their editorial page. Michael Ryan is the editorial page editor of the Augusta Chronicle, thus this blog is named after him because he's ultimately responsible for all of the ridiculous lies and plagiarized conservative talking points that appear on the unsigned commentary of his editorial page.

I begin this blog with the subject of a letter I sent that the Augusta Chronicle refused to publish. The subject was an Augusta 16th unsigned editorial on the Augusta Chronicle editorial page that repeated a lie about an ABC news interview Charlie Gibson conducted with President Obama at a public forum. According to Mr. Ryan, Mr. Gibson asked the president whether he would give up his health insurance plan for one of the plans being considered by Congress, and the president ignored the question. Mr. Ryan never attributed the source of this lie--a chain e-mail, probably being spread by insurance company lobbyists. Brooks Jackson of examined this lie.

A physician asked a similar question and President Obama did give a long and thoughtful answer. The transcript is available on the above mentioned website. The title of the article is "A Question not left unanswered." Mr. Ryan needs to find better sources of information than chain e-mails.

Moreover, Mr. Jackson wrote that the notion Congressmen will be exempt from any plan they put forth is entirely false.


I started The Michael Ryan Watch on townhall blogs, but they took my blog down and won't recognize my e-mail address, so they've blocked me. Townhall is for conservative blogs; mine was a liberal slant. I was curious how long my liberal blog would last there. It lasted only for three days. Evidentally, since President Obama's been elected, it seems to me that conservatives are less and less tolerant of other viewpoints. In any case, the subjects of the other two blogs entires I wrote on the townhall version The Michael Ryan Watch (ACORN, Mr. Ryan's plagiarism of Glen Beck) will be discussed here tomorrow.